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Flagstaff Trip Diary Survey

2024 Trip Diary


This study asked residents where they travel, how far and how often they go, and what modes of transportation they use—whether driving, using transit, biking, or walking. This study will help us understand how local roads, highways, public transit, bike lanes, and sidewalks are used today, and how they can be improved to make travel better in the future.


With technological advancements and shifts in travel patterns, collecting current travel data is essential for making well-informed decisions and prioritizing future improvements. This study has delivered valuable, practical insights into residents' travel experiences, preferences, and needs, helping to align transportation planning with the evolving demands of the community.


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What Is a Trip Diary Survey?

The Trip Diary Study is a periodic survey of Flagstaff area residents' travel patterns and mode selection. Randomly-selected participants are asked to keep a log or "diary" of their travel for one assigned day in October. Respondents also complete a survey regarding their attitudes towards travel and transportation in the region.


Purpose of the Survey

The Trip Diary Survey provides detailed information about travel patterns in Flagstaff, and helps guide transportation policy and decision-making. In particular, the trip diary survey approach is the most accurate way to compare travel patterns among modes, such as private vehicles, transit, walking, and bicycling.


Previous Surveys

MetroPlan updates the survey every six years to assess changes in travel patterns over time and to monitor the effect of transportation policies and improvements.





For additional information about the Trip Diary Survey, please contact David Wessel at

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