November 6, 2019
Approved Minutes
November 6, 2019
Approved Minutes
Strategic Grants Plan
MetroPlan Flagstaff identified projects for best fit across federal discretionary grant programs for fiscal years 2025 through 2028. MetroPlan's Executive Board Adopted the updated FY25-28 Strategic Grants Plan on February 11, 2025:
Background: MetroPlan Flagstaff created its Strategic Grants Plan in response to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that enabled historic investment in transportation infrastructure in the amount of $350 billion over five years from 2021 – 2026. MetroPlan saw a need to create a roadmap of regional projects scored against best fit for grants that resulted in this plan after experiencing successes in supporting its member organizations in pursuing and obtaining federal discretionary grants. One of MetroPlan’s strategic goals is to maximize transportation funds and its mission includes partner collaboration in the pursuit of funds. It is MetroPlan’s aim to maximize internal and regional resources toward projects that make the best fit for federal grants; and that this plan supports the increase of collaboration, decrease in competition and results in submitting better grant applications that if awarded, enable the leveraging of funds to pay for other projects that do not fit discretionary grant programs.
Have questions or comments?
Please contact Sandra Tavel, Transportation Planner, at 928-266-1293 or​